Saturday, May 12, 2007

I Denounce My Poetic "Skills"

How she hides herself
Behind curtains of green and white
Away from the light
Away from the sun
Like Persephone, floating out
A delicate white flower
Blossoming at night
Heart-shaped face
Eyes cast down and dimmed
Say, sweet flower
From whence hast thou came?
A smile, a chirp
But nothing more
She passes into the night
And behind shut curtains
A fading scent
Of beauty

Ah, yes. I do realise that the content above makes pretty much lousy reading. And that I probably could've gotten some work done instead of writing such drivel. Alas, poor talent, I had it not. Hahaha.

On a much happier note, my Kiwi flatmate's elder sister came over to the flat earlier with her family. After teaching him how to make veggie soup, they left us with:
- a massive cooking pot
- about a week's worth of vegetable stew
- veggie stock
- cumin and cardamom

In my eyes, that's a pirate's horde sitting prettily on the pantry now. The Heavens smile upon the flat. Come to think of it, some pasta in the stew would be great. And I now have the means with which I may undertake the creation of chicken congee (a.k.a. bubur ayam)! The possibilities are endless. Especially after nearly an entire month (or was it half a month?) of eating tinned fish for dinner. Mwahahahah. Oooh. Gotta watch that mercury level. *shudder*

Also, I just realised that one of the cashiers at the Asian supermarket close to home is in one of my classes. Well, not just realised, actually. I knew it for about a month and didn't have the guts to speak. Damnation. So she spoke to me. I do hope she doesn't think I'm arrogant/forgetful/high for being in the store so many times and not engaging in any conversation. Wagh. Well, at least she recognised me as well. Huhuhu. So much for first impression, neh.

Tomorrow: Sweeping the floors, cooking lunch, and *fingers crossed* getting through my bogu grading! Hoo-hah!

[End Transmission]

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