Thursday, June 7, 2007



Made you read. Nothing overtly jailbait-ish. Not tonight, at least.

It's 3.00 in the morning, and I've effectively screwed myself (yet again) in making an essay.

I should really get this #@$!*&^ essay done. It's ruining my study pattern. I do wish it were an exam instead. At least that's a 50-50 chance of success, and gives the course a due finality. Eh, come to think of it, so does this essay. 2500 words...mehhhh.

By the way, my flatmate got her laptop swiped from her room the other day. Apparently our windows aren't the most secure of constructions. Lesson to be learnt: paranoia pays. It's good to be a little suspicious of your surroundings every now and again. Not all that sparkles is gold, and nowhere is a utopia.

To conclude, here are a few things I probably shouldn't have wasted time doing.

Pseudo-Chibified RA

Faux Art
[model by Oknum A]

The crap you see above has been made possible by the creation of Adobe's Photoshop Elements. Remember, kids, any editing tool can be dangerous in the wrong hands, i.e. mine. To this moment I'm still wondering why I even bothered. Meh.

Konbanwa, and Aroha nui, all.

[End Transmission]

1 comment:

*yasmin said...

haha. is that the RA you're lusting after? how sweet!

.. and slightly stalkerish.

But then again, you can't really mention Omar without adding stalker somewhere in that sentence. :p

Love you!